Getting Ready for Millennials to Run the World

In March we hosted an exciting event titled: Getting Ready for Millennials to Run the World – in partnership with our good friends at Dominican University’s Business Edge Briefing Breakfast and North Bay Leadership Council.

We invited a panel of experts who shared invaluable insights about Millennials and how, as business leaders, we can learn to leverage their talents, skills, and interests to develop an effective workforce.

Big thanks to our panelists for their time and contributions:

Cynthia Murray laid out the groundwork with a series of facts and figures that established the greater context for our conversation. Rekha Schipper shared best practices in leadership through a personal account of what it’s like to manage the next generation in the workforce. And Craig Nelson examined key industry trends and urged the audience to follow-up with Simon Sinek’s illuminating talk on Millennials. Check out Simon’s and these other links for more further discussions on Millennials:

Musa Akbari engaged the attendees with insights from a Millennial perspective, discussing a fundamental quality of this generation: The Platinum Rule. You can view his speech below:

Millennials and The Platinum Rule

Millennials and The Platinum Rule

Thank you for everyone’s hard work and participation in making this event a success, please enjoy these photos!

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