Continuous Improvement and Peak Performance with Fighter Pilot Anthony “AB” Bourke

Anthony “AB” Bourke, our speaker today, quoted Nelson Mandella in saying “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.”  Sometimes we feel fear in life or death situations, other times we feel fear when asking for a raise, or countering a client’s demands.  As a boy with a strict dad, a flight school freshman encountering a demanding instructor, or F-16 fighter pilot scrambling to protect his country, Mr. Bourke has had to learn to face fear and conquer his fear.

Mr. “AB” Bourke shared his stories and photos with us to share his journey with us, allowing us to see and feel his goals, dreams, and fears.  We each translated his stories into our own lives, and re-examined how we faced our fears and how we did or could learn to conquer them.  We learned and were inspired.  We left feeling stronger in our convictions and knowledge that we, too, could overcome, if we are willing to face our fears.

To prepare for this moment of reckoning, we also must stay focused on our dreams and goals, be willing to learn and sacrifice, put in the hard work, work as teams, and stay true to our goals and moral compass. 

With a sell-out crowd and standing room only, Mr. AB Bourke gave us his full measure, and we all benefited from his contribution.  We thank him, and look forward to our next speaker who will share with us on October 10th, at Il Fornaio Restaurant in Corte Madera.

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